殷曼楟,1975年生,江苏扬州人。南京大学哲学系教授,南京大学文学硕士,南京大学文学博士,2009年入选南京大学青年骨干教师培养计划。主要研究方向为西方当代美学、分析美学、宗教社会学。现已经出版专著《艺术界建构及其现代意义》(获江苏高校第七届哲学社会科学研究优秀成果二等奖),译著《今日艺术理论》、主编《宗白华中西美学论集》、《艺术理论基本文献:西方古代·近现代卷》。已发表40余篇学术论文,其中多篇为《人大复印资料》之《美学》、《文化研究》、《造型艺术》转载。参与专著数部。先后承担南京大学文科校级规划项目《论大众文化语境下的后分析美学转型》(结项),教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目《西方后分析美学转型及其现代意义》(结项),国家社会科学基金一般项目《分析美学视域下的图像再现转向视觉再现研究》(在研), 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目 《当代中国社会转型中的视觉文化研究》之“视觉体制的形象生产与视觉建构”子课题负责人(在结)。
联系方式:[email protected].
Yin Manting, born at Yangzhou of Jiangsu in 1975, professor of the Philosophy Department, Nanjing University. The Master of Arts of the Nanjing University, the literature Doctor of the Nanjing University.
Research Interests:
Modern Aesthetics, Analytic Aesthetics and Cultural Studies , Sociology of Religion
Recent Publications:
1. Yin Manting, The Construction of the Artworld Theories and its Modern Significance (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2009).
2. Noël Carroll, Theories of Art Today, translated by Yin Manting (Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2010).
3. Yin Manting, “The Gaps and the Crisis of Identity in Urban Space”, Culture Studies (China), Vol. 10 (2010): 111-16.
4. __________“The Construction of the Utopia in the Institution of Modern Art”, Tianjing Social Sciences, No.4 (2010): 115-19.
5. __________ The Submitting of the Artwork Status and the Contemporary Turning of Western Aesthetics, Social Sciences in Nanjing, NO.10 (2009): 29-34.
6. __________ The Weak Degree of Institutionalization of the Artworlds and its Possibility in Modern Aesthetics, Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, No.4 (2009): 39-43.
Complete list of publications available upon request.
1. On Modern Turn of the Post-Analytic Aesthetics and its Significance, Humanity and Social Science Youth Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, 2009, project leader.
2. Foundation for Key Teacher by Nanjing University, 2009.
3. “Research On the Turn from Pictorial Representation to Visual Representation under the Perspective of Analytic Aesthetics” , General Program of National Social Science Foundation of China, 2015, project leader.
4. “Visual Culture and the Social Transformation in Contemporary China,”Key projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research supported by Ministry of Education, 2012, sub-project leader.
Second Prize for Research Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences (Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, 2010)