学术兴趣为犹太-基督宗教经典、犹太历史文化、跨文本诠释、宗教经典接受史、以色列研究等,著作包括《波斯时期的犹大社会与圣经编纂》(专著)、《犹太教基本概念》(合编)、Understanding God in the 21st Century(主编)等,译著《地窖里的耳环》和《狮子蜜》分别在大陆和台湾出版,主编丛书《缤纷以色列》。在中外刊物发表中英文论文多篇。主持和参与十余项国家级和省部级重大和一般科研项目。开设本科高年级研讨课《西方宗教经典与当代世界》、通识课《全球视野中的犹太文明》,研究生课程《圣经专题研究》《希伯来圣经研读》及《希伯来语》(一)、(二)等。
Email: [email protected]
MENG Zhenhua (Jeremiah) is a professor at the School of Philosophy, Nanjing University. He completed his BA in Hebrew language and literature at Peking University and his Ph.D in Religious Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was a visiting student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University, and a visiting scholar at the Center for Jewish Studies of Harvard University. He also taught several courses as a visiting professor of University of Alberta for two semesters.
Meng’s research interests include biblical studies and Jewish studies, cross-textual hermeneutics, reception of the Bible in China and so on. He is the author of The Society of Yehud and the Redaction of the Bible in the Persian Period, and (co)editor of The Basic Concepts of Judaism and Understanding God in the 21st Century. He also serves as the editor-in-chief of the book series Colorful Israel. He has published articles, essays and book chapters in China and overseas, and has presided over and participated in more than ten research projects, involving fields such as the Hebrew Bible, Jewish history and culture, and Sino-Israeli relations.
Meng has taught a range of courses, including Western Religious Classics and the Modern World, Jewish Civilization in a Global Perspective, Biblical Hermeneutics, History and Historiography in Ancient Israel, Hebrew 1 & 2, and so on. He has also delivered numerous lectures and presentations in the US, Canada, Europe, and Israel.